1618 Cliff Road E

Burnsville, MN 55337



Google+ and Your Job Search


Are you already using LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to help in your career search? It's time to add Google+ to your arsenal of social media tools for the job hunt. As with the other three, your ability to use Google+ effectively is essential to your long-term success.


Google+ (also known as "Google Plus") is still in its infancy, but its potential to help you find employment is incredible. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your profile, and use this new tool to help elevate your career:


Add recruiters to your "circles."

On Google+, you can connect with just about anyone or any business. Interested in a particular recruiter or company? You can add that person or employer to your "Circles." You can even create a specific "Circle" just for your career connections. Then, when you want to share exciting knowledge, career information or other scoop that will impress the members of that circle, you can choose to share that information specifically with those people. Companies have only recently been allowed to create branded pages on Google+, so get yourself out there and start connecting!


Put the word out.

Once you've established your connections and created your circles, put them to use! Interact with people in your relevant circles and don't be shy about letting them know you're on the lookout for a suitable position. You can be direct about it, or you can use the "About" section of your profile to subtly mention your career availability. But keep in mind, if you are going to put the word out actively on your profile, be careful not to sound desperate or not to annoy people by posting the same thing repeatedly (which can look like spam and is just a waste of time and bandwidth).


Show off your expertise with Hangouts.

Google+'s group video-chat service, Hangouts, offers a unique opportunity to connect with other people in "real time." If you're looking to network with other professionals, consider hosting a Hangout and inviting like-minded professionals or other job seekers. Make your content meaningful--you don't want to schedule a Hangout just to beg for a job. This is a tremendous opportunity to showcase your expertise and have a captive audience. Take the opportunity to mention you're open to new career challenges, but as with all content marketing, make sure you're hosting the event to distribute useful information.


Keep strutting your stuff.

Hangouts are a great opportunity to share your expertise, but for everyday posts, use your Google+ profile to share links and other industry news. You'll position yourself as up-to-date and knowledgeable on the trends facing your industry, and you'll also keep your profile at the top of your connections' feeds, without being pushy.


Remember, Google+ is still in its infancy, but with more than 40 million members (and growing every day), it is poised to become an incredibly potent tool for professionals. Start building your Google+ reputation now, and reap the rewards for many years to come.